Wired, 2018

Graphite, oil, charcoal and pigment powders, wire, rock, glass, obsidian, pyrite, acupuncture needles, metallic, metal and found objects, 24" x 36".

Internet: benediction/ conviciton/ addiction/ fiction /////// Human use of the internet exhibits the best and worst of our nature.

Wired II: Corona Totem, 2020

Graphite, oil, charcoal and pigment powders, wire, rock, glass, obsidian, pyrite, acupuncture needles, metallic, metal and found objects, floor piece, 43.5” x 48.5”.

Co-painted with Lauren Wilson and materials expert Ken Boyd. Photography by Ken Boyd

Glacial, 2018

Oil, pastel, wax on panel, 20" x 29.75".

Spice Trade, 2018

Oil, bronze powder, pastel on panel, 23.75" x 35".

Rich and wild interchange of cultures; trade of intriguing textiles and goods, linguistic marvels and spiritual wisdom. May our present and future world trade continue to enrich us.